Language lesson: shock

I apologize for cancelling last week, but there was a sudden death in the family.

Deaf? Oh, sorry.

Death. With a th. Put your tongue between your teeth.

Yes, like that. Good. It was quite a shock.                                  

Yes. You know, when something unexpected happens?


All of a sudden. You think the day will be ordinary, but then there is a storm or something. Out of the blue.

Storm? Blue sky then storm?

Sort of. Rain, thunder. A little bit scary. You put your hand over your mouth. You say, oh!


Yes, a little like that. You get a call from the school, your daughter is sick.


Yes, like that. You did not expect that to happen. It is a shock.


Write it.




Good! Can you use it in a sentence?

It is shock when storm comes.

Shocking. It can be shocking when you hear thunder. It is shocking to hear news of sudden death. It is shocking when your daughter calls from school to say she is sick. But not TOO shocking. Unless she is seriously sick. You could say, it was a shock when the storm came. Or you could say, it is a shock when a storm comes. Unless you were expecting it, when it's troubling but not unexpected. When storms are predicted by the weather man. When your daughter has been complaining about a sore throat, for instance, but she goes to school anyway. She is sick, but when she calls it is not such a shock. Same as when someone dies of cancer. It is sad, but not a shock. A sudden death is a shock. You may tremble. Your stomach does not feel right. It is hard to think. Shock.


Thank you. When something shocking happens, people like comfort. Kind words, hugs. Do you know the word comfort?

I think, act nice.

Yes, that's good. You understand. Comfort. Can you write it?

