You’re trying to get better and exercise is a big part of it. You practice no hands yoga, you practice the routines the physiotherapist gave you. The left hand is still weeks behind the right. Sleep is still interrupted by pain. Life feels permanently changed. You have entered a phase that could be the last chapter. Not that you are going to die from this, but you are going to die and each year before that ultimate experience you are going to be growing older, your body is no doubt going to become more vulnerable. As if his death, earlier in the year was not enough to remind you, your accident has underlined the fragility of existence with a fat stroke of a fluorescent marking pen .
One thing to intellectualize, another to feel. It’s taking a long time. The autumn rains have set in. Bone pain resonates. Seven weeks after you can’t rely on sleeping comfortably. You are past the need for hydro morphone, but does extra strength Tylenol even work anymore? You’re taking less, only at night. Trying cbd during the day, with uncertain results.
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