My Samhain/dia de los muertos altar is getting crowded, even though I limited the honourees to just those close ones who joined the othersiders in the last five years. As I visited with them over a couple of nights, it was instinctive to think of them sitting around my table for the many dinner parties we enjoyed here. Richard first, then Brigid, then Geoff, then David, Susanne and sister Kay the same year, then Maggie, and at the last minute --that is before this day of celebrating the dead--Jane, Maggie's cousin who lived in Savannah and wrote for the Savannah Morning News. Both writers, we hit it off when we first met at Maggie's. Then Jane, with her partner Carmela, put me up when I visited Savannah for the first and probably only time. We met here a few times after that and corresponded several times a year. Our most recent correspondence concerned Maggie's choice to die, in late June.
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