Normand Guilbeault

Jack Kerouac/Quebec

Such wonderful passion in the words the music and the performances Thursday night at the Musée National de Beaux Arts. Again that identity/language theme.  Kerouac's family was part of the migration of Québecois  to states like Maine and Massachusetts, people seeing work and finding it in textile mills, factories.

Normand Guilbeault, described as a vrai kerouackian, created a show - Visions of Kerouac, that included his quartet, with himself on stand-up bass, the words of Kerouac and Patrice Desbiens, visual collages on the backdrop --including images from Kerouac's life, and a terrific actor, Nicolas Landré who read, spoke, scatted, sang. What a talented, committed bunch. And drinks! Mexico City blues containing a melange of unlikely ingredients, very alcoholic except for the shot of orange juice and the shot... bien sûr.. de sirop d'érable. Started with a letter Kerouac, Ti-Jean, wrote to a Québec newspaper, in which he was thankful for an insightful review and apologetic for his inability to write good French. And ended with a song that everyone in the audience knew, except for me.

Normand G shaped the show around the longing for identity, and, to me, the sustaining chord was the connection with language. Language, the house where you live.