Life wild and (mostly) courteous


Although I fall into the age group that is most vulnerable to this virus that's ravaging 2020, the pandemic has been relatively easy for me to handle. I have stayed at home more than usual, but where I live makes it possible to carry on a social life, on the beach, on patios, and going to the store just once a week, as soon as it opens, decreases risk of infection from other shoppers. I feel for those who are living in cramped quarters in cities, whose children and mates have been home more than usual. More than that, the folks who actually contracted the virus, suffered, and in the worst cases died.

I haven't totally escaped the side effects of Covid. Though rare, there have been some days when uncertainty is a big grey cloud enveloping the world, near and far and I don't know what to do with it. Worse for my university-age grandchildren who don't know what's ahead, in the short or the long term.

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